If you don't know what a lead converting website looks like, it could be that your website is repelling visitors.
That's not good. At all.
Because if visitors aren't spending time on your website because they don't like it, it's costing you sales.
But there's more.
It's also signalling to Google that you have a low-quality site—which causes your website to rank lower on search results.
You don't want that, right?
So grab your magnifying glass and see if your website is doing any of these (dare we say) dreadful things.

Messaging is Confusing
Your messaging is likely confusing if:
you haven't identified your target audience
you've identified your target audience, but your messaging doesn't articulate who they are and the problem you solve for them OR you're talking about things that are irrelevant to them or their needs
the flow of the copy doesn't connect one idea to another
you're trying to communicate everything you know
you're using industry lingo that goes over your visitor's head
Did you check off one...or two or three?
Visitors Don't Know What To Do
Have you ever been on a website that has nice pictures, some words on it, and a pretty design...but you had no idea what you were supposed to do (other than admire it)?
A visitor comes to your site looking for something. They might even be ready to buy or, at the very least, check you out.
Provide choices for them to do this:
Add CTA buttons through your site
Link to other pages of your website
Offer a freebie (or two or three)
The main point here is that it's up to you to direct them on what you want them to do.
Website is Hard to Use or Navigate
If visitors are looking for specific information and can't find it, you've lost them.
Or they click a button or link and it takes them to a page they weren't expecting.
The best thing for you to do is to anticipate the needs of your visitor and ensure you've provided all the details they'll need to complete an action.
And one final thing—check your links to ensure they're working properly.
Site Load is Slow
I have a question for you.
How long will you wait for a site to finish loading?
1 second, 3 seconds, 2 or 5?
According to Website Builder Expert, anything over two to three seconds is too long.
That's it.
There are a number of resources (some of them are free!) where you can check your site speed. GeekFlare provides recommendations in their article called 11 Best Tools to Test Website Load Speed Worldwide.
Too Many Pop Ups
Oh. My. Leprechauns.
It drives me crazy when I'm on a website and a pop up appears within the first 5 seconds, then another side pop up appears to chat right after, and then another pop up appears to check out an article 3 seconds later, and then another pop up appears as I'm leaving the site.
If you're going to use more than one pop up, always test for effectiveness.
If it's not helping your business, chuck it.
Website Isn't Secure
Any URL that DOESN'T begin with "https" is not secured. Http won't do. It must be https.
A website that is not secured is a big warning flag to your visitors because it means that browser communication won't be encrypted.
Guess what?
They'll either never make it to your website, or they'll quickly close the tab like it's cursed.
So check to see that your website URL has "https" at the beginning.
If it doesn't, you can secure your site by installing an SSL certificate. (This article from HubSpot tells you how to do it, or you can always ask your web developer.)
Website Isn't Mobile Friendly
Most people use their mobile over their desktop to search the internet.
Although I'm not in that group (I'm a desktop girl through and through), it doesn't mean I neglect my mobile user clan.
Always check your site on mobile:
How does it look?
Is it easy to navigate?
What's the load time?
Is it easy to read? (Particularly important for a target audience that's, let's say, over 40.)
The Web Content is Old
Ouch! This is a wowzer, this one.
When the content on your website is outdated or incorrect, search engines will pick this up—as will your visitor.
Now you've lost credibility and authority for search engines and a potential customer.
The best way to combat this is to schedule time on your calendar to regularly review your website content and ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date. And, just as important, create new content and add it regularly to your website.
A Quick Summary of Why Your Website is Repelling Visitors
Check to see if your website is unintentionally costing you customers and low search engine rankings.
Does your website:
Have confusing messaging?
Neglect to tell visitors what to do?
Make it difficult for visitors to navigate?
Have a slow load time?
Have too many pop ups?
Have an outdated SSL certificate?
Fail to be optimized for mobile users?
Have old content?
By identifying and correcting these costly errors, you should start to see more visitor engagement on your site.
Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.

As a published children's author, StoryBrand Certified Guide, copywriter and marketing strategist, Sandra Beatty helps service-based business owners convert web visitors into leads by implementing a website and marketing strategy and getting clear on their messaging.