Sandra Beatty6 minLead GenerationUsing Hotjar to Increase Website Conversions + Pareto PrincipleThis is how a copywriter made informed website changes to increase conversions using Hotjar and the Pareto Principle.
Sandra Beatty4 minWebsite Mistakes8 Common Website Mistakes to Avoid as a Small Business8 common website mistakes small businesses make and how to correct them. #2 is the one I see most often.
Sandra Beatty4 minLead Generation3 Killer Copywriting Formulas for Your Sales Landing PageMake it easier to write your sales landing page by using one of these three killer copywriting formulas.
Sandra Beatty8 minLead GenerationWhat Does a Lead-Converting Website Look Like?Most biz owners have no idea what a lead generating website looks like. Apply these elements and generate more leads from your website.